
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

If you know me, you know a main focus of mine since being accepted to the race has been rainbows. I had one on my t-shirts before I even knew the impact they’d have on me. Since being accepted in late June 2018, I have seen a rainbow everyday. Rainbows in the sky, in a photo, on my leg reflecting from a glass, on my paper reflecting from a pencil; so many ways and forms! Reminders of God’s love and His promises. My squad and I were chatting about verses that we’ve been keeping in our minds when it comes to the race and I was reminded of 1 Thessalonians 5:24. “The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.” This verse has sat heavy on my heart and has been my battle cry when I feel defeated or like there is no way I am going to be able to raise funds, raise support, or leave my comfort zone in order to do the race.

A rainbow reminds me of this verse and that God is sovereign and faithful. I’ve always been fascinated with rainbows and the idea that a line of color can form as often as it does but never thought of rainbows as common. I always thought it was a rarity that I would occasionally see. This idea mirrors the way I used to see reminders of who God is. For the past few years I’ve set a word for the year, in 2019 my word was presence. I hoped I would stop looking at the past or day dreaming about the future and would just live where my feet are. This year it slowly began to transition from being about me and the present time, to being about God and finding His presence in ALL things. 

Stopping and looking around me has always been something I enjoy doing; however, now when I do that I am looking at Jesus. His creation and reminders of who he is. Now I look around me and see rainbows daily, sometimes more than one rainbow. I know God is in control and that with Him, I will be able to accomplish this dream. The funds will come, the support will surround me, and I will have the boldness to step out of my comfort zone.

It is still a daily battle to find Jesus in the little things and not let the world around me be all I see. When I stop and look around me, I’m amazed at who God is and all the things He has called me to. Some days I struggle with finding God but I’m reminded of Him so well with the sight of a rainbow. It’s as if God is saying “Hey Ella, turn your focus back to me! I got this”. It’s days when I seem more anxious and stressed that I see more rainbows, daily reminders of His promises for more than what I’m currently feeling. 

As 2019 comes to an end, my prayer is that I look more and more like Jesus each and every day, that I am able to find Him even when I feel like He’s so far, that all the world can find at least the tiniest bit of Jesus in their day, and that the world can feel the hope He brings. 

Thank you all for helping me have this peace and feel the love of Jesus through your prayer, obedience, and love. I am so excited to see where this journey takes my squad and I. Due to your help I get to show the world the hope and love that Jesus brings. Wishing you all a very Happy New Year full of so many blessings.

Peace & Love! Ella 

One response to “What’s the Deal with the Rainbow??”

  1. this is so sweet to read. makes my heart full being able to read your thoughts and fell the true love you have for this life of yours