
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

This morning, we woke up expecting to go to a normal day of ministry. Our host came and told us to put on swimsuits so we could go to the waterfall after ministry that day, and we expected to be leaving soon after. 

We walked downstairs and ended up doing some ministry preparations for our last day of ministry here in Turrialba. After that, we loaded the car and headed to the waterfall. We all expected to have a quick picnic, but instead we ended up staying for several hours.

We swam, ate lunch, and just sat with each other. The sun was shining so beautifully over the waterfall and was casting rainbows all around. If you know me, you know this was all such a God wink and that it was so clear the Lord was with us today. Although we didn’t go serve others in the community, we got to serve each other and spend time with the Lord in one of His finest creations. 

We waited for our ride to come get us and we all worshipped. Jesus has been revealing Himself most to me on days I least expect it. Most of us were in other conversations but I was leading and it was such a beautiful thing to see the Lord so clearly in a space that was often looked at only for fun.

I was singing and the sun began to shine through the trees, creating rays and lines so clear and bright. I was playing worship and staring at the most clear evidence of the Lord. It felt like it was just me and Jesus in that moment. Staring at His creations in awe of the fact that He chooses to love us and chase after us. 

If an outsider were to look at today, it may not seem like much “ministry” happened, but there was unity. The presence of the Lord was with us and we got to share love and joy with one another. Whether it was laughter when splashing, trust when walking through rapids knowing we would catch each other if we fell, or simply laying on a rock staring at the waterfall, today was ministry. We got to be Jesus to each other and worship His creation, it was super sweet 🙂

After all, ministry is life and sometimes it looks like meeting with Jesus at a waterfall with friends. 

8 responses to “The Time A Ministry Day Led Us to A Waterfall”

  1. Ministry is life and life is ministry!! We love this saying! It is so important for us to minister to those who God puts in our path, and at times, it’s those that we have been with for long periods of time!!! It’s great to see you walking in obedience!!!

  2. I LOVE THIS!! Tonight God showed up on the floor of the kitchen as we all sat after Bible study talking about femininity and being a virtuous woman. He just showed RIGHT UP in the midst of a group of stranger who were all eager to talk about the Lord and what He’s desiring to see from us. It’s so amazing when God shows up in the unexpected places!!

  3. Ella I am so thankful you and your group had such a wonderful day of enjoying the blessing of life that God gives us each day ! We miss you so much here at home and are counting the days until you are back with us again. Nana

  4. YES! Was reminded of this truth on this day and wanted to share a sweet expression of that. The Lord is great, SEE YOU SO SOON!

  5. Ugh I just love you. Proud of you for finding the Lord in all things and creating a space for Him to move. Miss you sweet friend.

  6. Love you so so much Nana. Missing you like crazy, but so thankful for the way the Lord is moving here and is revealing Himself to me. Praying for you guys. Hugs ??