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Woke up last Sunday and decided to kick off travel day with a little bit of fun, so my squad mate and I shaved a slit into our eyebrows. Here’s us hanging out with some people from the squad before we left for Costa Rica!!!

PS- Sorry Mom & Grace.. at least it wasn’t my hair 😉

The ladies of team overflow at the airport! Gap 23 took over the Atlanta airport for the day 🙂  All smiles in this picture but right after this, I was dragging through the airport because all of my stuff was so heavy.. Travel days are hard!


Some of our squad on the big green bus that dropped us all off at ministry! When we got to Costa Rica, none of us knew where we were going.. All we knew was to get on the big green bus and to get off whenever we were told. Gap 23 got split up throughout Costa Rica & being away from a majority of the faces I have seen every waking second since the beginning of January has been hard and weird.  

Here’s a pic of our host home 🙂


The first few days of ministry have looked like digging, prayer, and leading worship! My team and I have been helping a family with leveling the ground outside of their home so they can expand their home and bathroom. Even when we have been doing intense labor, Jesus has been at the center of it all. We have had the opportunity to invite Jesus into every walk of the day and we get to be intentional to find Him in it. It’s looked a little like worshiping with the families we are helping, playing and watching the children so they can have a break, prayers for spiritual warfare over a little boy who wasn’t able to sleep for days because of his nightmares, and just by sharing our testimonies with the home owners.

Selfie from today when we all got dressed up for church!

 Life is sweet here and my team and I have grown immensely since landing in Costa Rica. We have already been pushed out of our comfort zone & have gotten to walk alongside each other as we step out in boldness to do what the Lord has called us to do. Currently learning how sweet it is to have a friend like Jesus. He is an intentional listener and walks beside us in all things. How cool is it that the Lord doesn’t just throw us in the fire to burn, but He joins us in the fire and walks with us through it.

“Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see- how good God is. Blessed are you who run to Him.” Psalm 34:9



My team mate, Piper, just uploaded a vlog from travel day if you want a glimpse into what the day looked like!!

6 responses to “Surprise, I’m in Costa Rica”

  1. AHHHH!! Girl is looks like you’re having so much fun! I’m praying for you and I’m already looking forward to your next update! Sending so much love!!!

  2. Thanks for a beautiful glimpse into the start of your time in Costa Rica!! We are excited to see and hear about all you and your team are doing!!!